Recyclable Bird Food Packaging

15kg & 20kg Paper Sacks

Made of 100% paper with no plastic lining or coatings. Widely recycled. 15kg and 20kg paper sacks available for all Peckamix seed mixes and most straight ingredients.

500g to 5kg Plastic Bags

Polythene Food Bags LDPE (4) - Recyclable with carrier bags at larger supermarkets / local collection points. Some councils will accept polythene in curbside bins, check the recycling in your area at Remove any labels and make sure no food is left in the bags.

Other packaging we use that is recyclable

FSC Cardboard Boxes - Widely accepted curbside. Remove tape and labels.

Paper Void Fill - Widely accepted curbside.

Mailing Bags LDPE (4) - Some smaller parcels are sent in polythene mailing bags. Recycle these with carrier bags at larger supermarkets / local collection points. Some councils will accept polythene in curbside bins, check the recycling in your area at Remove any labels.

Our Mission:

Here at Peckamix we are very aware of our impact on the environment therefore we aim to reuse and recycle everything we can.

  • We carefully selected our paper sacks to make sure they have no plastic linings or coatings
  • All our food safe Polythene bags are recyclable.
  • We reuse materials where possible, this includes using paper sacks as void fill.
  • All orders are packaged into recyclable FSC cardboard boxes.
  • All recyclable waste from our warehouse is recycled.

Paper Sacks:  Our paper sacks used for 15kg and 20kg of bird seed are made from 100% paper with no plastic coatings or liners. Whilst better for the environment, paper without coatings is not the perfect packaging for bird food because our quality bird seed ingredients have a high oil content, so we recommend transferring your bird food into a storage container upon arrival.

Plastic Bags: Our plastic bags are made from food safe polythene which is 100% recyclable. It can be recycled many times over to create new products, more times than paper packaging in which the fibres degrade and become weaker. We use plastic bags for smaller orders of bird food due to their strength, ease of use, waterproof qualities, and the ability to keep our food as fresh as when it left us.

Boxes: Everything we send out is packaged into recyclable FSC cardboard boxes. We also re-use boxes where possible from items we have received.

Void Fill: We avoid void fill wherever possible, we prefer to cut the boxes down to size. However, if we need to use void fill to protect fragile items, we re-purpose empty paper sacks from our raw ingredients. The paper sacks can be recycled with the box.

We have looked into biodegradable alternatives to polythene bags but believe biodegradable packaging isn’t strong enough for the weight of our products. Plus, during our research, we have come across opposing opinions on biodegradable packaging due to the plastics still breaking down into micro-plastics.

Most compostable packaging needs to be industrially composted in optimum conditions for it to break down, it needs high temperatures and a supply of oxygen. Currently not all councils will compost waste so a lot of this type of packaging will end up in landfill where it will not degrade due to the lack of oxygen, for this reason we don't feel compostable packaging is an option either.